[Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP] 同時にStorage Efficiencyを実行できるのは1ノードあたり8つまでなので注意しよう

[Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP] 同時にStorage Efficiencyを実行できるのは1ノードあたり8つまでなので注意しよう

大量のボリュームに対してStorage Efficiencyを実行したい場合は注意しよう
Clock Icon2023.12.13

複数のボリュームに一気にStorage Efficiencyを実行したい


皆さんは複数のボリュームに一気にStorage Efficiencyを実行したいなと思ったことはありますか? 私はあります。


You can run a maximum of eight concurrent deduplication or data compression operations per node. If any more efficiency operations are scheduled, the operations are queued.

Run efficiency operations manually

Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP(以降FSxN)ではどうでしょうか。




  • Storage Efficiencyは1ファイルシステムで最大同時に8つまで実行可能
    • それ以上の数の実行リクエストをした場合はキューに入り、実行を待つ
  • Inactive data compressionは1ファイルシステムで最大同時に1つまで実行可能
    • キューに入るようなことは発生せず、2つ目のボリューム以降の実行は失敗する





::> volume create -volume vol2 -state online -junction-path /vol2 -size 8GB -tiering-policy none -snapshot-policy none -aggregate aggr1
::> volume create -volume vol3 -state online -junction-path /vol3 -size 8GB -tiering-policy none -snapshot-policy none -aggregate aggr1
::> volume create -volume vol4 -state online -junction-path /vol4 -size 8GB -tiering-policy none -snapshot-policy none -aggregate aggr1
::> volume create -volume vol5 -state online -junction-path /vol5 -size 8GB -tiering-policy none -snapshot-policy none -aggregate aggr1
::> volume create -volume vol6 -state online -junction-path /vol6 -size 8GB -tiering-policy none -snapshot-policy none -aggregate aggr1
::> volume create -volume vol7 -state online -junction-path /vol7 -size 8GB -tiering-policy none -snapshot-policy none -aggregate aggr1
::> volume create -volume vol8 -state online -junction-path /vol8 -size 8GB -tiering-policy none -snapshot-policy none -aggregate aggr1
::> volume create -volume vol9 -state online -junction-path /vol9 -size 8GB -tiering-policy none -snapshot-policy none -aggregate aggr1
::> volume create -volume vol10 -state online -junction-path /vol10 -size 8GB -tiering-policy none -snapshot-policy none -aggregate aggr1
::> volume create -volume vol11 -state online -junction-path /vol11 -size 8GB -tiering-policy none -snapshot-policy none -aggregate aggr1
::> volume create -volume vol12 -state online -junction-path /vol12 -size 8GB -tiering-policy none -snapshot-policy none -aggregate aggr1
::> volume create -volume vol13 -state online -junction-path /vol13 -size 8GB -tiering-policy none -snapshot-policy none -aggregate aggr1
::> volume create -volume vol14 -state online -junction-path /vol14 -size 8GB -tiering-policy none -snapshot-policy none -aggregate aggr1
::> volume create -volume vol15 -state online -junction-path /vol15 -size 8GB -tiering-policy none -snapshot-policy none -aggregate aggr1
::> volume create -volume vol16 -state online -junction-path /vol16 -size 8GB -tiering-policy none -snapshot-policy none -aggregate aggr1
::> volume create -volume vol17 -state online -junction-path /vol17 -size 8GB -tiering-policy none -snapshot-policy none -aggregate aggr1
::> volume create -volume vol18 -state online -junction-path /vol18 -size 8GB -tiering-policy none -snapshot-policy none -aggregate aggr1
::> volume create -volume vol19 -state online -junction-path /vol19 -size 8GB -tiering-policy none -snapshot-policy none -aggregate aggr1
::> volume create -volume vol20 -state online -junction-path /vol20 -size 8GB -tiering-policy none -snapshot-policy none -aggregate aggr1

ボリュームが作成されており、Storage Efficiencyが有効になっていることを確認します。

::> volume show
Vserver   Volume       Aggregate    State      Type       Size  Available Used%
--------- ------------ ------------ ---------- ---- ---------- ---------- -----
svm       svm_root     aggr1        online     RW          1GB    972.1MB    0%
svm       vol1         aggr1        online     RW          8GB     7.60GB    0%
svm       vol10        aggr1        online     RW          8GB     7.60GB    0%
svm       vol11        aggr1        online     RW          8GB     7.60GB    0%
svm       vol12        aggr1        online     RW          8GB     7.60GB    0%
svm       vol13        aggr1        online     RW          8GB     7.60GB    0%
svm       vol14        aggr1        online     RW          8GB     7.60GB    0%
svm       vol15        aggr1        online     RW          8GB     7.60GB    0%
svm       vol16        aggr1        online     RW          8GB     7.60GB    0%
svm       vol17        aggr1        online     RW          8GB     7.60GB    0%
svm       vol18        aggr1        online     RW          8GB     7.60GB    0%
svm       vol19        aggr1        online     RW          8GB     7.60GB    0%
svm       vol2         aggr1        online     RW          8GB     7.60GB    0%
svm       vol20        aggr1        online     RW          8GB     7.60GB    0%
svm       vol3         aggr1        online     RW          8GB     7.60GB    0%
svm       vol4         aggr1        online     RW          8GB     7.60GB    0%
svm       vol5         aggr1        online     RW          8GB     7.60GB    0%
svm       vol6         aggr1        online     RW          8GB     7.60GB    0%
svm       vol7         aggr1        online     RW          8GB     7.60GB    0%
svm       vol8         aggr1        online     RW          8GB     7.60GB    0%
svm       vol9         aggr1        online     RW          8GB     7.60GB    0%
21 entries were displayed.

::> volume efficiency show
Vserver    Volume           State     Status      Progress           Policy
---------- ---------------- --------- ----------- ------------------ ----------
svm        vol1             Enabled   Idle        Idle for 00:54:39  auto
svm        vol10            Enabled   Idle        Idle for 00:01:43  auto
svm        vol11            Enabled   Idle        Idle for 00:01:38  auto
svm        vol12            Enabled   Idle        Idle for 00:01:32  auto
svm        vol13            Enabled   Idle        Idle for 00:01:27  auto
svm        vol14            Enabled   Idle        Idle for 00:01:22  auto
svm        vol15            Enabled   Idle        Idle for 00:01:17  auto
svm        vol16            Enabled   Idle        Idle for 00:01:12  auto
svm        vol17            Enabled   Idle        Idle for 00:01:07  auto
svm        vol18            Enabled   Idle        Idle for 00:01:01  auto
svm        vol19            Enabled   Idle        Idle for 00:00:56  auto
svm        vol2             Enabled   Idle        Idle for 00:04:05  auto
svm        vol20            Enabled   Idle        Idle for 00:00:19  auto
svm        vol3             Enabled   Idle        Idle for 00:02:18  auto
svm        vol4             Enabled   Idle        Idle for 00:02:13  auto
svm        vol5             Enabled   Idle        Idle for 00:02:08  auto
svm        vol6             Enabled   Idle        Idle for 00:02:03  auto
svm        vol7             Enabled   Idle        Idle for 00:01:58  auto
svm        vol8             Enabled   Idle        Idle for 00:01:53  auto
svm        vol9             Enabled   Idle        Idle for 00:01:48  auto
20 entries were displayed.

::> volume efficiency show -fields state, policy, storage-efficiency-mode
vserver volume state   policy storage-efficiency-mode
------- ------ ------- ------ -----------------------
svm     vol1   Enabled auto   efficient
svm     vol10  Enabled auto   efficient
svm     vol11  Enabled auto   efficient
svm     vol12  Enabled auto   efficient
svm     vol13  Enabled auto   efficient
svm     vol14  Enabled auto   efficient
svm     vol15  Enabled auto   efficient
svm     vol16  Enabled auto   efficient
svm     vol17  Enabled auto   efficient
svm     vol18  Enabled auto   efficient
svm     vol19  Enabled auto   efficient
svm     vol2   Enabled auto   efficient
svm     vol20  Enabled auto   efficient
svm     vol3   Enabled auto   efficient
svm     vol4   Enabled auto   efficient
svm     vol5   Enabled auto   efficient
svm     vol6   Enabled auto   efficient
svm     vol7   Enabled auto   efficient
svm     vol8   Enabled auto   efficient
svm     vol9   Enabled auto   efficient
20 entries were displayed.


$ for i in {1..20}; do
  # マウントポイントの作成
  sudo mkdir -p /mnt/fsxn/vol${i}
  # ボリュームのマウント
  sudo mount -t nfs svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol${i} /mnt/fsxn/vol${i}

# マウントポイントの確認
$ ls -lv /mnt/fsxn/
total 80
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Dec 12 06:55 vol1
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Dec 12 07:46 vol2
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Dec 12 07:48 vol3
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Dec 12 07:48 vol4
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Dec 12 07:48 vol5
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Dec 12 07:48 vol6
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Dec 12 07:48 vol7
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Dec 12 07:48 vol8
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Dec 12 07:48 vol9
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Dec 12 07:48 vol10
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Dec 12 07:48 vol11
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Dec 12 07:48 vol12
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Dec 12 07:48 vol13
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Dec 12 07:49 vol14
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Dec 12 07:49 vol15
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Dec 12 07:49 vol16
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Dec 12 07:49 vol17
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Dec 12 07:49 vol18
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Dec 12 07:49 vol19
drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 4096 Dec 12 07:50 vol20

# ボリュームがマウントされたことを確認
$ df -hT -t nfs4
Filesystem                                                                    Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1  nfs4  7.7G  384K  7.6G   1% /mnt/fsxn/vol1
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol2  nfs4  7.7G  384K  7.6G   1% /mnt/fsxn/vol2
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol3  nfs4  7.7G  384K  7.6G   1% /mnt/fsxn/vol3
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol4  nfs4  7.7G  384K  7.6G   1% /mnt/fsxn/vol4
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol5  nfs4  7.7G  384K  7.6G   1% /mnt/fsxn/vol5
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol6  nfs4  7.7G  384K  7.6G   1% /mnt/fsxn/vol6
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol7  nfs4  7.7G  384K  7.6G   1% /mnt/fsxn/vol7
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol8  nfs4  7.7G  384K  7.6G   1% /mnt/fsxn/vol8
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol9  nfs4  7.7G  384K  7.6G   1% /mnt/fsxn/vol9
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol10 nfs4  7.7G  384K  7.6G   1% /mnt/fsxn/vol10
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol11 nfs4  7.7G  384K  7.6G   1% /mnt/fsxn/vol11
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol12 nfs4  7.7G  384K  7.6G   1% /mnt/fsxn/vol12
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol13 nfs4  7.7G  384K  7.6G   1% /mnt/fsxn/vol13
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol14 nfs4  7.7G  384K  7.6G   1% /mnt/fsxn/vol14
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol15 nfs4  7.7G  384K  7.6G   1% /mnt/fsxn/vol15
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol16 nfs4  7.7G  384K  7.6G   1% /mnt/fsxn/vol16
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol17 nfs4  7.7G  384K  7.6G   1% /mnt/fsxn/vol17
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol18 nfs4  7.7G  384K  7.6G   1% /mnt/fsxn/vol18
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol19 nfs4  7.7G  384K  7.6G   1% /mnt/fsxn/vol19
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol20 nfs4  7.7G  384K  7.6G   1% /mnt/fsxn/vol20


$ seq 1 20 \
  | xargs -i \
    -P 8 \
    bash -c "sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/mnt/fsxn/vol{}/test_file_1 bs=1M count=4096"

$ df -hT -t nfs4
Filesystem                                                                    Type  Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol1  nfs4  7.7G  4.1G  3.6G  54% /mnt/fsxn/vol1
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol2  nfs4  7.7G  4.1G  3.6G  54% /mnt/fsxn/vol2
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol3  nfs4  7.7G  4.1G  3.6G  54% /mnt/fsxn/vol3
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol4  nfs4  7.7G  4.1G  3.6G  54% /mnt/fsxn/vol4
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol5  nfs4  7.7G  4.1G  3.6G  54% /mnt/fsxn/vol5
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol6  nfs4  7.7G  4.1G  3.6G  54% /mnt/fsxn/vol6
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol7  nfs4  7.7G  4.1G  3.6G  54% /mnt/fsxn/vol7
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol8  nfs4  7.7G  4.1G  3.6G  54% /mnt/fsxn/vol8
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol9  nfs4  7.7G  4.1G  3.6G  54% /mnt/fsxn/vol9
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol10 nfs4  7.7G  4.1G  3.6G  54% /mnt/fsxn/vol10
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol11 nfs4  7.7G  4.1G  3.6G  54% /mnt/fsxn/vol11
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol12 nfs4  7.7G  4.1G  3.6G  54% /mnt/fsxn/vol12
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol13 nfs4  7.7G  4.1G  3.6G  54% /mnt/fsxn/vol13
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol14 nfs4  7.7G  4.1G  3.6G  54% /mnt/fsxn/vol14
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol15 nfs4  7.7G  4.1G  3.6G  54% /mnt/fsxn/vol15
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol16 nfs4  7.7G  4.1G  3.6G  54% /mnt/fsxn/vol16
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol17 nfs4  7.7G  4.1G  3.6G  54% /mnt/fsxn/vol17
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol18 nfs4  7.7G  4.1G  3.6G  54% /mnt/fsxn/vol18
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol19 nfs4  7.7G  4.1G  3.6G  54% /mnt/fsxn/vol19
svm-09126365bf30845f9.fs-0e124ba7bf90735da.fsx.us-east-1.amazonaws.com:/vol20 nfs4  7.7G  4.1G  3.6G  54% /mnt/fsxn/vol20

Storage Efficiencyの場合

Storage Efficiencyを実行前の状態を確認しておきます。

::> volume efficiency show -volume vol* -fields logical-data-size, state, progress
vserver volume state   progress          logical-data-size
------- ------ ------- ----------------- -----------------
svm     vol1   Enabled Idle for 00:09:36 4.07GB
svm     vol10  Enabled Idle for 00:02:54 4.08GB
svm     vol11  Enabled Idle for 00:02:46 4.08GB
svm     vol12  Enabled Idle for 00:02:50 4.08GB
svm     vol13  Enabled Idle for 00:02:42 4.08GB
svm     vol14  Enabled Idle for 00:02:39 4.08GB
svm     vol15  Enabled Idle for 00:02:35 4.08GB
svm     vol16  Enabled Idle for 00:02:27 4.08GB
svm     vol17  Enabled Idle for 00:02:31 4.08GB
svm     vol18  Enabled Idle for 00:02:23 4.08GB
svm     vol19  Enabled Idle for 00:02:18 4.08GB
svm     vol2   Enabled Idle for 00:03:09 4.08GB
svm     vol20  Enabled Idle for 00:02:14 4.08GB
svm     vol3   Enabled Idle for 00:03:05 4.08GB
svm     vol4   Enabled Idle for 00:03:13 4.08GB
svm     vol5   Enabled Idle for 00:03:17 4.08GB
svm     vol6   Enabled Idle for 00:06:14 4.08GB
svm     vol7   Enabled Idle for 00:03:02 4.09GB
svm     vol8   Enabled Idle for 00:03:20 4.08GB
svm     vol9   Enabled Idle for 00:02:58 4.08GB
20 entries were displayed.

Storage Efficiencyを用意した全ボリュームに対して実行します。

::> volume efficiency start -volume vol* -scan-old-data

Warning: This operation scans all of the data in volume "vol1" of Vserver "svm". It might take a significant time, and degrade performance during that time.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
The efficiency operation for volume "vol1" of Vserver "svm" has started.

Warning: This operation scans all of the data in volume "vol10" of Vserver "svm". It might take a significant time, and degrade performance during that time.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
The efficiency operation for volume "vol10" of Vserver "svm" has started.

Warning: This operation scans all of the data in volume "vol11" of Vserver "svm". It might take a significant time, and degrade performance during that time.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
The efficiency operation for volume "vol11" of Vserver "svm" has started.

Warning: This operation scans all of the data in volume "vol12" of Vserver "svm". It might take a significant time, and degrade performance during that time.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
The efficiency operation for volume "vol12" of Vserver "svm" has started.

Warning: This operation scans all of the data in volume "vol13" of Vserver "svm". It might take a significant time, and degrade performance during that time.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
The efficiency operation for volume "vol13" of Vserver "svm" has started.

Warning: This operation scans all of the data in volume "vol14" of Vserver "svm". It might take a significant time, and degrade performance during that time.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
The efficiency operation for volume "vol14" of Vserver "svm" has started.

Warning: This operation scans all of the data in volume "vol15" of Vserver "svm". It might take a significant time, and degrade performance during that time.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
The efficiency operation for volume "vol15" of Vserver "svm" has started.

Warning: This operation scans all of the data in volume "vol16" of Vserver "svm". It might take a significant time, and degrade performance during that time.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
The efficiency operation for volume "vol16" of Vserver "svm" has started.

Warning: This operation scans all of the data in volume "vol17" of Vserver "svm". It might take a significant time, and degrade performance during that time.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
The efficiency operation for volume "vol17" of Vserver "svm" is queued.

Warning: This operation scans all of the data in volume "vol18" of Vserver "svm". It might take a significant time, and degrade performance during that time.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
The efficiency operation for volume "vol18" of Vserver "svm" is queued.

Warning: This operation scans all of the data in volume "vol19" of Vserver "svm". It might take a significant time, and degrade performance during that time.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
The efficiency operation for volume "vol19" of Vserver "svm" is queued.

Warning: This operation scans all of the data in volume "vol2" of Vserver "svm". It might take a significant time, and degrade performance during that time.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
The efficiency operation for volume "vol2" of Vserver "svm" is queued.

Warning: This operation scans all of the data in volume "vol20" of Vserver "svm". It might take a significant time, and degrade performance during that time.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
The efficiency operation for volume "vol20" of Vserver "svm" is queued.

Warning: This operation scans all of the data in volume "vol3" of Vserver "svm". It might take a significant time, and degrade performance during that time.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
The efficiency operation for volume "vol3" of Vserver "svm" is queued.

Warning: This operation scans all of the data in volume "vol4" of Vserver "svm". It might take a significant time, and degrade performance during that time.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
The efficiency operation for volume "vol4" of Vserver "svm" is queued.

Warning: This operation scans all of the data in volume "vol5" of Vserver "svm". It might take a significant time, and degrade performance during that time.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
The efficiency operation for volume "vol5" of Vserver "svm" is queued.

Warning: This operation scans all of the data in volume "vol6" of Vserver "svm". It might take a significant time, and degrade performance during that time.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
The efficiency operation for volume "vol6" of Vserver "svm" is queued.

Warning: This operation scans all of the data in volume "vol7" of Vserver "svm". It might take a significant time, and degrade performance during that time.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
The efficiency operation for volume "vol7" of Vserver "svm" is queued.

Warning: This operation scans all of the data in volume "vol8" of Vserver "svm". It might take a significant time, and degrade performance during that time.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
The efficiency operation for volume "vol8" of Vserver "svm" is queued.

Warning: This operation scans all of the data in volume "vol9" of Vserver "svm". It might take a significant time, and degrade performance during that time.
Do you want to continue? {y|n}: y
The efficiency operation for volume "vol9" of Vserver "svm" is queued.
20 entries were acted on.


実行後の各ボリュームのStorage Efficiencyの状態を確認します。

::> volume efficiency show -volume vol* -fields logical-data-size, state, progress
vserver volume state   progress          logical-data-size
------- ------ ------- ----------------- -----------------
svm     vol1   Enabled 851968 KB Scanned 4.02GB
svm     vol10  Enabled 399360 KB Scanned 4.03GB
svm     vol11  Enabled 0 KB Scanned      4.03GB
svm     vol12  Enabled 0 KB Scanned      4.03GB
svm     vol13  Enabled 0 KB Scanned      4.03GB
svm     vol14  Enabled 0 KB Scanned      4.03GB
svm     vol15  Enabled 0 KB Scanned      4.03GB
svm     vol16  Enabled 0 KB Scanned      4.03GB
svm     vol17  Enabled Idle for 00:03:56 4.08GB
svm     vol18  Enabled Idle for 00:03:48 4.08GB
svm     vol19  Enabled Idle for 00:03:43 4.08GB
svm     vol2   Enabled Idle for 00:04:34 4.08GB
svm     vol20  Enabled Idle for 00:03:39 4.08GB
svm     vol3   Enabled Idle for 00:04:30 4.08GB
svm     vol4   Enabled Idle for 00:04:38 4.08GB
svm     vol5   Enabled Idle for 00:04:43 4.08GB
svm     vol6   Enabled Idle for 00:07:40 4.08GB
svm     vol7   Enabled Idle for 00:04:28 4.09GB
svm     vol8   Enabled Idle for 00:04:46 4.08GB
svm     vol9   Enabled Idle for 00:04:24 4.08GB
20 entries were displayed.

::> volume efficiency show -volume vol* -fields logical-data-size, state, progress
vserver volume state   progress          logical-data-size
------- ------ ------- ----------------- -----------------
svm     vol1   Enabled 851968 KB Scanned 4.02GB
svm     vol10  Enabled 425984 KB Scanned 4.03GB
svm     vol11  Enabled 425984 KB Scanned 4.03GB
svm     vol12  Enabled 425984 KB Scanned 4.03GB
svm     vol13  Enabled 425984 KB Scanned 4.03GB
svm     vol14  Enabled 425984 KB Scanned 4.03GB
svm     vol15  Enabled 425984 KB Scanned 4.03GB
svm     vol16  Enabled 425984 KB Scanned 4.03GB
svm     vol17  Enabled Idle for 00:04:01 4.08GB
svm     vol18  Enabled Idle for 00:03:53 4.08GB
svm     vol19  Enabled Idle for 00:03:48 4.08GB
svm     vol2   Enabled Idle for 00:04:39 4.08GB
svm     vol20  Enabled Idle for 00:03:44 4.08GB
svm     vol3   Enabled Idle for 00:04:35 4.08GB
svm     vol4   Enabled Idle for 00:04:43 4.08GB
svm     vol5   Enabled Idle for 00:04:47 4.08GB
svm     vol6   Enabled Idle for 00:07:44 4.08GB
svm     vol7   Enabled Idle for 00:04:32 4.09GB
svm     vol8   Enabled Idle for 00:04:50 4.08GB
svm     vol9   Enabled Idle for 00:04:28 4.08GB
20 entries were displayed.



::> volume efficiency show -volume vol* -fields logical-data-size, state, progress, last-op-begin, last-op-end
vserver volume state   progress          last-op-begin            last-op-end              logical-data-size
------- ------ ------- ----------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ -----------------
svm     vol1   Enabled Idle for 00:00:19 Tue Dec 12 08:24:07 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:21 2023 4.04GB
svm     vol10  Enabled Idle for 00:00:17 Tue Dec 12 08:24:08 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:23 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol11  Enabled Idle for 00:00:17 Tue Dec 12 08:24:08 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:23 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol12  Enabled Idle for 00:00:11 Tue Dec 12 08:24:08 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:29 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol13  Enabled Idle for 00:00:17 Tue Dec 12 08:24:09 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:23 2023 4.06GB
svm     vol14  Enabled Idle for 00:00:11 Tue Dec 12 08:24:09 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:29 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol15  Enabled Idle for 00:00:16 Tue Dec 12 08:24:09 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:24 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol16  Enabled Idle for 00:00:08 Tue Dec 12 08:24:10 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:32 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol17  Enabled 1277952 KB Scanned
                                         Tue Dec 12 08:20:19 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:20:23 2023 4.03GB
svm     vol18  Enabled 425984 KB Scanned Tue Dec 12 08:20:27 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:20:31 2023 4.03GB
svm     vol19  Enabled 425984 KB Scanned Tue Dec 12 08:20:31 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:20:36 2023 4.03GB
svm     vol2   Enabled 425984 KB Scanned Tue Dec 12 08:19:41 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:19:45 2023 4.03GB
svm     vol20  Enabled 425984 KB Scanned Tue Dec 12 08:20:36 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:20:40 2023 4.03GB
svm     vol3   Enabled 0 KB Scanned      Tue Dec 12 08:19:45 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:19:49 2023 4.03GB
svm     vol4   Enabled 0 KB Scanned      Tue Dec 12 08:19:37 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:19:41 2023 4.03GB
svm     vol5   Enabled 0 KB Scanned      Tue Dec 12 08:19:34 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:19:37 2023 4.03GB
svm     vol6   Enabled Idle for 00:10:00 Tue Dec 12 08:13:18 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:16:40 2023 4.08GB
svm     vol7   Enabled Idle for 00:06:48 Tue Dec 12 08:19:49 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:19:52 2023 4.09GB
svm     vol8   Enabled Idle for 00:07:06 Tue Dec 12 08:16:40 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:19:34 2023 4.08GB
svm     vol9   Enabled Idle for 00:06:44 Tue Dec 12 08:19:52 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:19:56 2023 4.08GB
20 entries were displayed.

::> volume efficiency show -volume vol* -fields logical-data-size, state, progress, last-op-begin, last-op-end
vserver volume state   progress          last-op-begin            last-op-end              logical-data-size
------- ------ ------- ----------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ -----------------
svm     vol1   Enabled Idle for 00:00:42 Tue Dec 12 08:24:07 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:21 2023 4.04GB
svm     vol10  Enabled Idle for 00:00:40 Tue Dec 12 08:24:08 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:23 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol11  Enabled Idle for 00:00:40 Tue Dec 12 08:24:08 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:23 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol12  Enabled Idle for 00:00:34 Tue Dec 12 08:24:08 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:29 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol13  Enabled Idle for 00:00:40 Tue Dec 12 08:24:09 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:23 2023 4.06GB
svm     vol14  Enabled Idle for 00:00:34 Tue Dec 12 08:24:09 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:29 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol15  Enabled Idle for 00:00:39 Tue Dec 12 08:24:09 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:24 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol16  Enabled Idle for 00:00:31 Tue Dec 12 08:24:10 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:32 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol17  Enabled 1730560 KB Scanned
                                         Tue Dec 12 08:20:19 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:20:23 2023 4.03GB
svm     vol18  Enabled 1277952 KB Scanned
                                         Tue Dec 12 08:20:27 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:20:31 2023 4.03GB
svm     vol19  Enabled 1277952 KB Scanned
                                         Tue Dec 12 08:20:31 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:20:36 2023 4.03GB
svm     vol2   Enabled 1277952 KB Scanned
                                         Tue Dec 12 08:19:41 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:19:45 2023 4.03GB
svm     vol20  Enabled 1277952 KB Scanned
                                         Tue Dec 12 08:20:36 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:20:40 2023 4.03GB
svm     vol3   Enabled 851968 KB Scanned Tue Dec 12 08:19:45 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:19:49 2023 4.03GB
svm     vol4   Enabled 851968 KB Scanned Tue Dec 12 08:19:37 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:19:41 2023 4.03GB
svm     vol5   Enabled 851968 KB Scanned Tue Dec 12 08:19:34 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:19:37 2023 4.03GB
svm     vol6   Enabled Idle for 00:10:23 Tue Dec 12 08:13:18 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:16:40 2023 4.08GB
svm     vol7   Enabled Idle for 00:07:11 Tue Dec 12 08:19:49 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:19:52 2023 4.09GB
svm     vol8   Enabled Idle for 00:07:29 Tue Dec 12 08:16:40 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:19:34 2023 4.08GB
svm     vol9   Enabled Idle for 00:07:07 Tue Dec 12 08:19:52 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:19:56 2023 4.08GB
20 entries were displayed.

8つのボリュームのStorage Efficiencyが完了したら、また8つのボリュームのStorage Efficiencyの実行が開始されました。


::> volume efficiency show -volume vol* -fields logical-data-size, state, progress, last-op-begin, last-op-end
vserver volume state   progress          last-op-begin            last-op-end              logical-data-size
------- ------ ------- ----------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ -----------------
svm     vol1   Enabled Idle for 00:02:46 Tue Dec 12 08:24:07 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:21 2023 4.04GB
svm     vol10  Enabled Idle for 00:02:44 Tue Dec 12 08:24:08 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:23 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol11  Enabled Idle for 00:02:44 Tue Dec 12 08:24:08 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:23 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol12  Enabled Idle for 00:02:38 Tue Dec 12 08:24:08 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:29 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol13  Enabled Idle for 00:02:44 Tue Dec 12 08:24:09 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:23 2023 4.06GB
svm     vol14  Enabled Idle for 00:02:38 Tue Dec 12 08:24:09 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:29 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol15  Enabled Idle for 00:02:43 Tue Dec 12 08:24:09 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:24 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol16  Enabled Idle for 00:02:35 Tue Dec 12 08:24:10 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:32 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol17  Enabled Idle for 00:00:35 Tue Dec 12 08:26:21 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:28:32 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol18  Enabled Idle for 00:00:22 Tue Dec 12 08:26:23 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:28:45 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol19  Enabled Idle for 00:00:30 Tue Dec 12 08:26:23 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:28:37 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol2   Enabled Idle for 00:00:22 Tue Dec 12 08:26:23 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:28:45 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol20  Enabled Idle for 00:00:19 Tue Dec 12 08:26:24 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:28:48 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol3   Enabled Idle for 00:00:15 Tue Dec 12 08:26:29 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:28:52 2023 4.06GB
svm     vol4   Enabled Idle for 00:00:12 Tue Dec 12 08:26:29 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:28:55 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol5   Enabled Idle for 00:00:12 Tue Dec 12 08:26:32 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:28:55 2023 4.06GB
svm     vol6   Enabled 3407872 KB Scanned
                                         Tue Dec 12 08:13:18 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:16:40 2023 4.03GB
svm     vol7   Enabled 2129920 KB Scanned
                                         Tue Dec 12 08:19:49 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:19:52 2023 4.04GB
svm     vol8   Enabled 1277952 KB Scanned
                                         Tue Dec 12 08:16:40 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:19:34 2023 4.03GB
svm     vol9   Enabled 1277952 KB Scanned
                                         Tue Dec 12 08:19:52 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:19:56 2023 4.03GB
20 entries were displayed.

::> volume efficiency show -volume vol* -fields logical-data-size, state, progress, last-op-begin, last-op-end
vserver volume state   progress          last-op-begin            last-op-end              logical-data-size
------- ------ ------- ----------------- ------------------------ ------------------------ -----------------
svm     vol1   Enabled Idle for 00:03:27 Tue Dec 12 08:24:07 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:21 2023 4.04GB
svm     vol10  Enabled Idle for 00:03:25 Tue Dec 12 08:24:08 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:23 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol11  Enabled Idle for 00:03:25 Tue Dec 12 08:24:08 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:23 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol12  Enabled Idle for 00:03:19 Tue Dec 12 08:24:08 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:29 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol13  Enabled Idle for 00:03:25 Tue Dec 12 08:24:09 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:23 2023 4.06GB
svm     vol14  Enabled Idle for 00:03:19 Tue Dec 12 08:24:09 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:29 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol15  Enabled Idle for 00:03:24 Tue Dec 12 08:24:09 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:24 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol16  Enabled Idle for 00:03:16 Tue Dec 12 08:24:10 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:26:32 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol17  Enabled Idle for 00:01:16 Tue Dec 12 08:26:21 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:28:32 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol18  Enabled Idle for 00:01:03 Tue Dec 12 08:26:23 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:28:45 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol19  Enabled Idle for 00:01:11 Tue Dec 12 08:26:23 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:28:37 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol2   Enabled Idle for 00:01:03 Tue Dec 12 08:26:23 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:28:45 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol20  Enabled Idle for 00:01:00 Tue Dec 12 08:26:24 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:28:48 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol3   Enabled Idle for 00:00:56 Tue Dec 12 08:26:29 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:28:52 2023 4.06GB
svm     vol4   Enabled Idle for 00:00:53 Tue Dec 12 08:26:29 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:28:55 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol5   Enabled Idle for 00:00:53 Tue Dec 12 08:26:32 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:28:55 2023 4.06GB
svm     vol6   Enabled Idle for 00:00:22 Tue Dec 12 08:28:32 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:29:26 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol7   Enabled Idle for 00:00:09 Tue Dec 12 08:28:37 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:29:39 2023 4.07GB
svm     vol8   Enabled Idle for 00:00:04 Tue Dec 12 08:28:45 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:29:44 2023 4.05GB
svm     vol9   Enabled Idle for 00:00:04 Tue Dec 12 08:28:45 2023 Tue Dec 12 08:29:44 2023 4.05GB
20 entries were displayed.

8つのボリュームのStorage Efficiencyが完了すると、残りの4つのStorage Efficiencyの実行が行われていました。

1つのファイルシステムでは最大同時に8つのボリュームのStorage Efficiencyしか実行できないことが分かりました。

Inactive data compressionの場合

Inactive data compressionも気になったので確認します。こちらも8つまででしょうか。それともInactive data compressionはaggregateレイヤーで動作するものなので、最大同時実行するは違った値なのでしょうか。

Inactive data compressionはデフォルトで無効化されています。

::*> volume efficiency inactive-data-compression show
Vserver    Volume Is-Enabled Scan Mode Progress Status  Compression-Algorithm
---------- ------ ---------- --------- -------- ------  ---------------------
svm        vol1   false      -         IDLE     FAILURE
svm        vol10  false      -         IDLE     FAILURE
svm        vol11  false      -         IDLE     FAILURE
svm        vol12  false      -         IDLE     FAILURE
svm        vol13  false      -         IDLE     FAILURE
svm        vol14  false      -         IDLE     FAILURE
svm        vol15  false      -         IDLE     FAILURE
svm        vol16  false      -         IDLE     FAILURE
svm        vol17  false      -         IDLE     FAILURE
svm        vol18  false      -         IDLE     FAILURE
svm        vol19  false      -         IDLE     FAILURE
svm        vol2   false      -         IDLE     FAILURE
svm        vol20  false      -         IDLE     FAILURE
svm        vol3   false      -         IDLE     FAILURE
svm        vol4   false      -         IDLE     FAILURE
svm        vol5   false      -         IDLE     FAILURE
svm        vol6   false      -         IDLE     FAILURE
svm        vol7   false      -         IDLE     FAILURE
svm        vol8   false      -         IDLE     FAILURE
svm        vol9   false      -         IDLE     FAILURE
20 entries were displayed.


::*> volume efficiency inactive-data-compression modify -volume vol* -is-enabled true
20 entries were modified.

::*> volume efficiency inactive-data-compression show -fields progress, status, percentage, last-op-start-time, last-op-end-time, is-enabled
vserver volume progress status  percentage is-enabled last-op-start-time last-op-end-time
------- ------ -------- ------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ----------------
svm     vol1   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol10  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol11  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol12  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol13  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol14  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol15  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol16  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol17  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol18  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol19  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol2   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol20  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol3   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol4   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol5   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol6   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol7   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol8   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol9   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
20 entries were displayed.

それでは全ボリュームに対してInactive data compressionを開始します。

::*> volume efficiency inactive-data-compression start -volume vol* -inactive-days 0
Inactive data compression scan started on volume "vol1" in Vserver "svm"

Error: command failed on vserver "svm" volume "vol10": Failed to start inactive data compression scan on volume "vol10" in Vserver "svm". Reason: "Maximum scans already running."

Warning: Do you want to continue running this command? {y|n}: y

Error: command failed on vserver "svm" volume "vol11": Failed to start inactive data compression scan on volume "vol11" in Vserver "svm". Reason: "Maximum scans already running."

Warning: Do you want to continue running this command? {y|n}: y

Error: command failed on vserver "svm" volume "vol12": Failed to start inactive data compression scan on volume "vol12" in Vserver "svm". Reason: "Maximum scans already running."

Warning: Do you want to continue running this command? {y|n}: y

2つ目のボリュームからMaximum scans already running.という理由でInactive data compressionの実行に失敗していますね。


::*> volume efficiency inactive-data-compression show -fields progress, status, percentage, last-op-start-time, last-op-end-time, is-enabled
vserver volume progress status  percentage is-enabled last-op-start-time last-op-end-time
------- ------ -------- ------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ----------------
svm     vol1   RUNNING  FAILURE 0%         true       0                  0
svm     vol10  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol11  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol12  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol13  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol14  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol15  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol16  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol17  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol18  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol19  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol2   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol20  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol3   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol4   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol5   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol6   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol7   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol8   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol9   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
20 entries were displayed.

::*> volume efficiency inactive-data-compression show -fields progress, status, percentage, last-op-start-time, last-op-end-time, is-enabled
vserver volume progress status  percentage is-enabled last-op-start-time last-op-end-time
------- ------ -------- ------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ----------------
svm     vol1   IDLE     SUCCESS -          true       16                 15
svm     vol10  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol11  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol12  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol13  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol14  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol15  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol16  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol17  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol18  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol19  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol2   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol20  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol3   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol4   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol5   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol6   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol7   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol8   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol9   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
20 entries were displayed.

キューに入れられている様子もなく、1つのボリュームのInactive data compressionが完了しても他のボリュームのInactive data compressionは始まりませんでした。


FsxId0e124ba7bf90735da::*> volume efficiency inactive-data-compression start -volume vol2 -inactive-days 0
Inactive data compression scan started on volume "vol2" in Vserver "svm"

FsxId0e124ba7bf90735da::*> volume efficiency inactive-data-compression start -volume vol3 -inactive-days 0

Error: command failed: Failed to start inactive data compression scan on volume "vol3" in Vserver "svm". Reason: "Maximum scans already running."

FsxId0e124ba7bf90735da::*> volume efficiency inactive-data-compression start -volume vol3 -inactive-days 0

Error: command failed: Failed to start inactive data compression scan on volume "vol3" in Vserver "svm". Reason: "Maximum scans already running."

FsxId0e124ba7bf90735da::*> volume efficiency inactive-data-compression start -volume vol3 -inactive-days 0

Error: command failed: Failed to start inactive data compression scan on volume "vol3" in Vserver "svm". Reason: "Maximum scans already running."

::*> volume efficiency inactive-data-compression show -fields progress, status, percentage, last-op-start-time, last-op-end-time, is-enabled
vserver volume progress status  percentage is-enabled last-op-start-time last-op-end-time
------- ------ -------- ------- ---------- ---------- ------------------ ----------------
svm     vol1   IDLE     SUCCESS -          true       145                144
svm     vol10  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol11  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol12  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol13  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol14  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol15  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol16  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol17  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol18  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol19  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol2   RUNNING  FAILURE 0%         true       0                  0
svm     vol20  IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol3   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol4   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol5   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol6   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol7   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol8   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
svm     vol9   IDLE     FAILURE -          true       0                  0
20 entries were displayed.



大量のボリュームに対してStorage Efficiencyを実行したい場合は注意しよう

Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAPにおいて同時にStorage Efficiencyを実行できるのは1ノードあたり8つまでという制約を確認しました。

そのため、大量のボリュームがある環境で書き込みが常に発生しているような環境だと、Change logの使用率が20%を超過しているにも関わらずStorage Efficiencyが実行されないことが起こりえます。

以下のKBでは他のボリュームが5分おきにStorage Efficiencyを実行しているため、Change logの使用率が91%にも関わらずStorage Efficiency(ポストプロセス重複排除)がかからない事象を紹介しています。

また、-scan-old-dataを付与して実行するStorage Efficiencyや-inactive-days 0を付与して実行するInactive data compressionは以下記事でも紹介しているとおり、ディスク、CPUどちらも負荷をかけます。

8:15ごろにある1つ目の山がテストファイルを書き込んだタイミングで、2つ目の山がStorage Efficiencyを手動で実行したタイミング、3つ目と4つ目の山がInactive data compressionを実行したタイミングです。



以上、AWS事業本部 コンサルティング部の のんピ(@non____97)でした!


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